Sunday, December 2, 2012

Chapter 33

Speech pathologists and why Deaf people sometimes do not like them. 

Deaf people have had issues with Speech Pathologists for a long, long time. After reading the chapter about them hitting students who mispronounced words, I can understand where the problem would come from. The book talks about how its their job to help Deaf students become better with their speech so they are thrown into these classes to become better. 

These speech teachers are drilling their students to correctly pronounce words that they can't hear or can barely hear. It would be very frustrating to students because they may not get it right a lot of the time. The book also states that, "Most ASL-Deaf people are not opposed to speech training. Even Deaf parents of Deaf children believe in giving them practice in speech." (p. 196). I think it's important to read this part of the chapter or you could be really confused. Deaf people want speech teachers in their lives but I could understand where it would become agitating. 

I still hate that some teachers will do mean things to their clients when they would get a word wrong. I understand that time were different back then but come on. If you go into a field like that, you need to have patience and understanding, not be hateful. 

I can understand why some Deaf people would have their regards to Speech Pathologists because of the past but I'm glad that times have changed and they are SLOWLY getting better. 

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