Sunday, December 2, 2012

Chapter 34

I really liked the intro to this chapter. This man just got a job as manager of an office. He has a worker there who is Deaf so he took it upon himself to start taking ASL classes and to learn Sign. He said he felt it was important to communicate with this woman and was surprised by what he found out. He asks this question, "We do hear actual understandable words from her once in a while. Does this mean that at some time, someone has worked with her in speech? And is it wrong to want to hear her verbalize?" (p. 201).

I think I liked the intro so much because this man is trying to understand the Deaf culture more because of a single worker. He wants to communicate with her so, instead of asking her to talk, he is taking sign. I think this is awesome  of him. 

The book answers his question in saying that it is not wrong to want her to speak...its human nature (p. 202). I wasn't surprised when the book talks about how many Deaf people have had humiliation when they try to use their voice. You know why I wasn't surprised? Because after reading all these other chapters I don't think anything people do to/around Deaf people would be surprising. People can be very cruel. Parents should explain to their children and children should have a better understanding and compassion for other people. 

The book ends with saying that it would be alright to ask her about her experience with speaking but her actually speaking should be voluntary. 

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