Thursday, September 20, 2012

Chapter 1

I knew that ASL meant American Sign Language before coming into the class. That's about all I knew though. I didn't understand that ASL was an entire culture outside of the one that I knew. I have never really had an opinion about ASL but I certainly do now. It sounds like a very exciting and fun environment with great people. 

I think I would understand what that person is trying to say. Language can be viewed as "animal-like" to others, I believe. Facial expression says a lot in all cultures. You can understand someone without having to speak their language because facial expressions don't change that greatly. 

I can't wait to learn more about ASL and all the different ways to communicate with others. I will be able to use it when I am in class as well as outside of class. Since I plan to be a Elementary teacher, I know this will come in handy at some point in my life. I would love to be able to know another language and discuss this language with my classrooms in the future. 

I think I'll enjoy reading the rest of these chapters as the school year goes on. It seems like a very interesting book and a great way to learn about ASL!


  1. I agree that facial expressions say a lot about a culture. I'm not even deaf or hard of hearing and I rely on a persons facial expressions to let me know how they feel. I studied communication and facial expressions are a big part of a persons communication. I think that hearing people rely on facial expressions just as much as a deaf or hard of hearing person.

  2. Laura: I really enjoyed reading your post! I did not know hardly anything about ASL before enrolling in this class either! I am equally excited to learn more about the language and culture of ASL.
