Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Chapter 6

Grammar and syntax is very difficult for me. I am trying to get it figured out but I think I'm going to need to practice a little more. I think that this grammar and its form looks like Spanish and other languages like that. I took one year of Spanish in high school because I had to and I was horrible. I could never figure out the sentence structures. In ASL it is a little easier, I think because the sentences have hand motions. I am a more visual learner so looking at someone and watching what they are doing makes more sense to me.

I hope that the more I practice and watch the more I will learn. My dad teaches English at my high school and he has helped me a little with the sentence structure. I've asked him about the topic of the sentence and which should come first but I think it's difficult to ask for advice from someone that doesn't know ASL. I just need to practice :)

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