Thursday, September 27, 2012

Chapter 8

Deaf children should have the same education as hearing children. The same, as in, an education to fit their individual needs. All students learn differently and they all need special attention. Teachers should accommodate all the needs of their students inside their classroom. If a teacher has a student who is deaf in their class they should be ready to help them in any way they can. 
I was very surprised when I read that signing was not allowed inside classrooms years ago. One way for deaf people to communicate is through signing and taking that away from them is really insane. I can't believe that happened. It was also really interesting to read about the best ways to learn the language. The book says the best way to learn ASL would be to go into a deaf community and be totally involved in the language. It makes sense that being completely emerged in the language would be the best way to learn though. You would not have any other form of communication so you would be forced, in a sense, to learn the language. 

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