Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Chapter 5

I think it makes sense that British Sign Language and American Sign Language are different because we may speak the same language but we do have different words for things. We are a different culture in America than they. It would be understandable that they have a different form of sign. BSL and ASL were formed in different areas of the world. All the deaf people in the world didn't get together and make up sign language, just like we all didn't create one language. 

At this point in time I don't think I would be interested in learning a different sign language. I really just want to figure out American Sign Language first and then we'll see where it goes. It would be cool to know the differences between a few signs but I really need to focus on one at a time. 

I think that the British press still uses that phrase because no one has stopped them yet. It is going to take a lot of work to stop this press from using those kinds of terms and hopefully one day they will stop. The book said that ASL and the American Sign community is working to help deaf people in those countries which is great. I think America is more advanced in those types of situations. American has had so many different cultures so we are more sensitive of those around us...slightly. It is really hard to say exactly why America may be more accepting but it may possibly be because the deaf community have pushed harder for their rights. 

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