Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Chapter 24

This chapter discussed something that I found really interesting. I enjoyed learning whether or not Deaf people like that some hearing people are learning Sign Language. The book answers it this way, "it depends on what your motivation is in learning how to sign, your attitude, the context, who's teaching you, who's learning with you, and whom you're mingling with (p. 147)." I'd say that this is accurate in every language. It just depends why you want to learn the language. Some Deaf people want to protect the culture. 

I think it is your right to learn any language you want to learn and you should learn as many as you wish. People should not be able to tell you if that language is one you can't learn. It is difficult though because you have to make sure you learn the correct way. It is not enough to just go learn the language, in my opinion. You would have to learn the background of that culture as well. Sometimes it isn't appropriate to say certain things and other times it is. Sometimes one thing means something else depending on the context in which you say it. If you are learning another language, it is important to get more knowledge than just the language.

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