Thursday, November 15, 2012

Chapter 29

When I read the title of this chapter I was a little surprised. I didn't know this was happening. I think its horrible that it is though. How are students supposed to get a proper education if residential schools for the deaf are being closed down? Throughout this chapter, it talked a lot about the parents of deaf children and how they feel. I think its more important to see how the children feel. Do they want to go to these schools? Would it benefit them? Of course, all parents want their children to be happy and healthy but sometimes things happen. It's part of life and parents need to do their best to help their child have a happy life. Being Deaf doesn't mean you can't be happy or have a full life. Giving them the best education and support would be the number one concern of parents, wouldn't it? 

Parents do want their children to come home from school and be close to home but if thats not a possibility then maybe those parents should attempt to do something about it. Sending their children to schools that are not equip to educate Deaf children would probably not be the best option. The only thing that should matter in this situation is the children and their needs. 

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