Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Chapter 26

Why don't some Deaf people like to read? 

I had an issue when I first read the title of this chapter. It made me mad because I felt this was stereotyping people. There are tons of hearing people that don't like to read! I understand that it could be more prominent in the Deaf culture but still! Some chapters start with really odd questions like this. It doesn't make any sense to ask some of these questions. Why do hearing people not like to read? Reading is one of my favorite things to do but I don't wonder why my roommate doesn't enjoy it. 

Based on the book it discusses ASL vs. English again. It would be difficult for someone that has no background in English to read English books! Another huge issue in this chapter was this statement, "it was not uncommon for therapists to strike young deaf children. Because they were misbehaving? No, because they mispronounced a word when they repeated it. A word they wouldn't even hear (p. 160)." WOW! That is insane. Being a future teacher and a normal human being I was shocked! I would be so pissed if someone hit my kid because they didn't pronounce a word right and they were Deaf. There are plenty of people that can't pronounce certain words...should I walk around with a stick and hit them? NO. Needless to say, I did not like that part of this chapter. 

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