Thursday, November 15, 2012

Chapter 30

This chapter was like so many others that I've read. Where do you find the best information about deafness or being deaf? The best place to start is probably libraries or the internet. Most of the time the internet could point you in the direction to go if you want information close to home. The book mentions the book, Gallaudet Encyclopedia of Deaf People and Deafness. This could be in the local library and would have very nice materials in it. The book also tells a great source is to go to the Laurent Clerc National Deaf Education Center.  This place is located at Gallaudet University. This may not be possible for some people if you do not live close to the area. You may think to go to the website and get information from it. This chapter gives you an address and phone number so you would be able to send a letter or call to get information from them. Another useful tool would be to apply for the catalogue from Gallaudet's Bison Bookstore (p. 183). 

It's amazing how much information is out there and how easily it could be accessed if people just did a little research. The internet is amazing and has so much information. It would not be difficult to find anything you'd like to know. I think that those places would be really fun to look through. Or to go to Gallaudet University and visit the place. I wonder what it would be like to go to the school. It just makes me curious to hear about it through a book. I don't know if this is rude to ask but I wonder if it's quiet on the university? I mean more than likely it wouldn't be as loud as WKU but I just wonder what it would be like. 

1 comment:

  1. I completely agree! There is so much information out there on ASL and Deaf culture, that can be easily acceptable with a little searching. I think I would love to be able go to Gallaudet University and see the library there!
