Sunday, February 10, 2013

Chapter 37

What do others call us? And what do we call ourselves? 

I thought this chapter was interesting in how it gave different examples of what people who are Deaf are called. I also liked how it gave the timeline of different quotes said on page 221. It's crazy that people actually referred to the Deaf as 'deaf and dumb.' It should have really surprised me because people can be really rude and inconsiderate.

I think it would be difficult though because not everyone likes to be called the same thing...not that you should 'call' anyone anything. But some people who are deaf like to be referred to as deaf, while others like hard of hearing. It's difficult to see what to do in these situations. Sometimes I think it would be best to not call anyone anything. That's what I teach my students at school but you still get the name-calling. I don't know what I would say if I were put in the situation because it does depend on what the person prefers. I think that, maybe, if you aren't trying to be rude or insensitive then the person who is deaf would understand. 

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