Sunday, February 10, 2013

Chapter 41

Do all deaf people benefit from hearing aids?

Hearing aids are not a magic machine that will make people who are deaf hear again. I think the parts in this chapter about the children were the most important. Parents should allow their children to decide on their on whether they want to wear hearing aids or if they don't. I think that it's important in your child's life to decide things like that on their own. I understand where parents would want their child to wear them if they help but it should not be forced upon them. 

I couldn't believe when I read how much hearing aids cost! At the pharmacy I work at we sell batteries for hearing aids and they are pretty expensive so it shouldn't have been that big of a shock but nevertheless, I was. I think it is even more important for children to decide on their own because of this. If you have a child that is deaf and they would like to wear hearing aids I think it would be important to stress that they are a tool to help and should not be taken advantage of. If you force a child to wear them, you really shouldn't be able to get mad if they get damaged or lost. If your child doesn't want them in the first place, why would they take care of it? 

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