Monday, February 11, 2013

Chapter 42

Isn't it possible to have the best of both worlds - ASL and a cochlear implant?

The book talks about cochlear implants and how parents are able to have them done to their children. I think this chapter is very touchy and would be a difficult topic to talk about to other people. Depending on the persons views and how a person accepts other peoples views, the conversation could go really well. I think that cochlear implants are totally up to the person or the parents. It's not my business to say that you are wrong for getting them or for having your children get them. I guess I feel the same way about gay marriages as I do about the what makes you happy. 

I understand though that parents are doing them to their children and the children don't have a say. My question to them is, do you have your children's ears pierced? I know it is not the same at all because cochlear implants are surgery and pierced ears are not but still. Your child, at the age of 1, did not tell you they WANTED their ears pierced so how is it your right to do it? This is why I think that no one should have the right to say yes or no to people or their parents. I know it sounds like I have contradicted myself but my point is that I am not allowed to say that a child should or shouldn't have their ears pierced because it is none of my business. Being married if you are gay is none of my business. Cochlear implants is none of my business. 

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