Monday, February 18, 2013

Chapter 46 & 47

Chapter 46

"Hearing parents of deaf children think they know their children. But they do not know what effect deafness will have on their children's lives." (pg. 283). I had a difficult time understanding this sentences when reading it. I agree to an extent. I get that parents of children that are deaf will have a more difficult time understanding how it will effect them but I feel like if you have that communication with your children then it could be easier. I'm not sure since I'm not deaf and I don't have children who are deaf but I think that communication is always the key. I think that if you have children that are deaf, you should do whatever you can to learn about it. You should make sure you learn ASL, you learn about the culture, learn as much as you can about being deaf so you are able to be more understanding. 

No parents get everything right but they are still your parents and, I believe, they know you better than anyone.

Chapter 47

I haven't really ever thought about this question. "Do deaf parents breed deaf children?" I figured that it was just random when things like this happened. It turns out that it can run in your family but you don't pass it onto your children. I was surprised to find out that most "deaf genes" were inherited by hearing parents. 

I was so shocked by the little story at the end of the chapter! I was really upset when reading this because how horrible! What a jerk! Some people are so stupid. 

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