Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Chapter 12

Chapter 12 is about wanting to learn bigger signs. It starts off with a post from a girl named, Tammy Kirk. She wants to learn how to sign because of a show she was watching. Tammy Kirk wants to learn bigger signs so if she sees Deaf people she will be able to communicate with them (p. 97). 

The book suggests places to go to get help to learn sign language. "The local public library," is the best place to start, the book says. The library could point you in the right direction if they have the materials or they will usually be able to tell you where to go. They may know about sign-language classes, Deaf clubs, and different organizations (p. 97).  

The book also suggests going on the internet because it may possibly be a good resource. You can get CDS, DVDs, that could help you learn sign language. After the book suggests places to go, it discusses the bigger signs ordeal. It says to remember the space where your hands should be while signing. The top of the head to waist and from shoulder to shoulder. This is the normal space for signing. Also, signers stand further apart than most people to give one another room for signing (p. 98).

I found this chapter slightly boring. It was nice to know where to go to find things to learn sign language but I've already known about these resources. It was no big surprise that the best place to go would be the library or internet. I did think the section on why Deaf people stand further apart was interesting. 

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