Thursday, October 25, 2012

Chapter 14

Fingerspelling is mostly involving your kinetic-visual skills. These are important to have when trying to fingerspell quick and to read fingerspelling. The chapter wants to know how you can become a better fingerspeller, something I need help with too! It talks about having a friend practice with you and to make sure you are motivated to do it. To become better, it is important to practice as much as you can. It is also important to know how to form the words correctly. The book says that its okay to make mistakes as long as you learn from them and try to get better. Ideas to get better; tell friends stories, read in sign, make it part of the everyday conversations you have with you friends.

This chapter was not that exciting for me. I know that fingerspelling is something that holds me up sometimes and I need to get better at it. I also know that practicing makes perfect. It is difficult to practice reading fingerspelling when I know few people that even know how to make the words, let alone can do it fast! I don't have any friends that could quiz me on fingerspelling. I guess it is something that will come with time but it is still really difficult to read unless I know the topic before hand.

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