Sunday, October 28, 2012

Chapter 19

Total Communication is described as, "a philosophy incorporating the appropriate aural, manual, and oral modes of communication in order to ensure effective communication with and among hearing-impaired persons (p.127)." Most people that would use the term are meaning the method of communication that is used by Deaf people. 

Schools were allowed to use ASL as much as they wanted before the late 19th century. When oralism happened the Deaf students were banned from doing any signing to one another in schools. When this happened several schools would not allow signing for many decades. The book explains that TC is a philosophy, not a communication skill. 

I thought this chapter was kind of complicated. I'm not sure exactly what it was all about but I found some parts interesting. I thought it was odd that students were not allowed to sign during school years ago. It would be their only way of communication and it was taken away from them. I think that was very unfair and am glad that it was revised. It was still really shocking that this happened to the Deaf culture. 

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