Sunday, October 28, 2012

Chapter 21

This chapter is about people approaching Deaf people using sign language. The book states that it would be best not to approach Deaf people and start signing with them when they are strangers. You wouldn't go up to a hearing person and start a conversation with them. Some Deaf people may welcome help and others may resent it. Basically it is the same with hearing people as well; some hearing people would accept help if they need it and others may not want help. Some like to figure things out for themselves. That is perfectly acceptable. 

When reading this chapter I read that some people will mock Deaf people when they are signing. I could not believe this when I read it. Wow! I understand small children being amused and interested in Deaf people because they likely aren't around signing often and they are curious. As you get older though you understand that some people are different and they use different ways to communicate. Parents should do a better job of educating their children on other cultures and other people in general. If you see your child looking interested maybe you should explain it to them? That was the most shocking part of the chapter for me. It was really hard to believe that some people can act this way. 

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