Thursday, October 25, 2012

Chapter 16

This chapter was about home courses that you would be able to take for Basic Signing. The book answers this questions in several ways. You would be able to take a video course for signing but it would be a lot more difficult. You could get many signs wrong and you would have no one to practice with. The best way to learn sign is through ASL or going to a Deaf community and learning with them. Also, you aren't able to look through the videos before you purchase them and they are very expensive programs. You can look for different things in the area that you are in to find ways to learn sign language. 

This chapter was similar to another that I have read about. It was about the different ways to learn sign language. I still believe that the best way would be to just be involved in an entire community of Deaf people. There would be no other way for you to communicate besides learning the language. If you wanted to talk to someone you would have to figure out how to communicate what you needed. 

1 comment:

  1. I believe that being involved with the deaf community is also the best way to learn ASL. So far that has been the easiest way to remember and learn the signs. Going to the deaf culture envents have been fun and very helpful to me.
