Sunday, October 28, 2012

Chapter 20

This chapter is about foreign languages and how ASL is the 3rd most used language in the United States. The book starts by stating that ASL may not be the 3rd most used language in the States but that it is well used by many citizens (p. 131). Some people aren't sure whether to consider ASL a foreign language because it is used in the United States. The book contradicts this statement by saying that there are many languages used in the US that are considered foreign languages.

I believe that ASL should be considered a foreign language because it is different than the English. ASL is not signed the way we would speak English so not considering it a foreign language is silly. Spanish is spoken in the US by many individuals but it is still considered foreign. Personally if I can't understand what your saying I think its foreign. At least foreign to me. Its so hard to understand some people and then later you find out that they are just illiterate. I defiantly think that ASL is a foreign language. 

1 comment:

  1. I completely agree that ASL should be offered at Universities as a foreign language credit. I feel like I have learned so much in this class, and I hope we can apply this knowledge one day as future educators.
