Sunday, March 3, 2013

Chapter 51

Now this chapter is interesting! It is about the different types of people that the deaf community accepts. The deaf community does not just accept people who are deaf or hard of hearing, they accept all people if they are respectful of the culture. I think this is only fair. Why would you accept people who do not like you? The deaf community will welcome anyone who is curious and is eager to learn about the culture. I think that this chapter was a breath of fresh air. Some of these chapters have made me nervous to go to events because of the negativity towards people who can hear. I found that this chapter seems to be okay as long as people do not go into the deaf community with a bad attitude.

I really found the thing called, tinnitus, really interesting to learn about. I did not know that this was something that existed but apparently it is a buzzing, ringing ,clicking, roaring, in the ears. This would suck! To hear something buzzing or a noise of some kind inside your ear all the time! Ahh! I think I would go crazy if something like this was going on in my ears! 

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