Sunday, March 3, 2013

Chapter 54

Being born deaf would be a very difficult thing. It would be hard on the parents of the child and the child as they grow up. It is not impossible and it should not be considered a burden or something looked down upon. I believe that you should make the most of the situations you are in. it is important to know that you are loved by many and that you have the ability to love many. It would be difficult to be a person who is deaf but it would also be difficult to be blind, or in a wheelchair, or have a mental illness. I think that you have to make the most of your situation.

Becoming deaf later in life would be very very difficult. I think that it would be more difficult, as I’ve said before, to become deaf later in life. I think this because you have lived your whole life without having this difficulty and then you have it.  The thing I know I would struggle with most is talking with my parents. I think that it would be really hard for them to learn how to communicate but I know that they would do it in a heartbeat. It would be difficult because you are already established in your life and you already have this foundation built for yourself, then you have to change it around. 

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