Friday, March 8, 2013

Chapter 63

I’m still a little surprised by this question. I guess I never really thought about people who are Deaf going to the movie theater. It just seems strange to me but I guess I am the one being stereotypical with that statement. I think it is really fascinating that action movies are more entertaining to people who are Deaf but it does make a lot of sense. Action movies don’t have a lot of dialog while “talky” movies do. People who are Deaf wouldn’t have to try and figure out what the people are saying as much and would be able to enjoy the action parts of the movie. I had never really thought about it that way before but it’s really neat actually. I really wish that there could be more cinemas that had movies for Deaf audiences. That would be the coolest thing to create, theaters with subtitled movies. And not just old movies! Movies that are in other theaters as well.

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