Friday, March 8, 2013

Chapter 60

I think the internet would help Deaf culture, not destroy it. If you look at all the things people who are Deaf can do with technology now, it is amazing. There is facetime, skype, etc. All these different ways that people who are Deaf can communicate with parents and friends openly. As the book talks about TVs now will have subtitles. I think that more movies should have options for this because it would be nice to go to a movie at the theater and be able to understand what they are talking about. It’s great for ASL learners to have all this technology and access to different internet sites that can help us with ASL. But I could see where this type of technology could hurt as well; you never know if you are getting the right information. I think you have to be very careful when using the internet to look up information about ASL because of those sites that are not accurate. Also, when looking up certain signed words, sometimes it depends on the context of what you are saying on how you use that word. 

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