Sunday, March 3, 2013

Chapter 56 & 57

Chapter 56
I feel like this chapter was basically the same as the last chapter. I think it depends on your knowledge of the culture. I’m not going to sit here and write articles about the ocean because I don’t know enough information about it. It would be a very basic article and not very well informed. If you are going to start writing pieces about things then I believe that you need to be well informed and be able to write information that is accurate. Again, I feel like this chapter was the same as the last. 

Chapter 57
Finally we hear about Alexander Graham Bell! Apparently he almost succeeded in wiping out Deaf Culture. He basically sounds like a really crappy guy. Bell was an oralist and he wanted to get rid of Sign Language. I don’t really understand why you would want to get rid of a language but he seems like a jerk so that might be why. He was a phonetics teacher and was very good at sign language. When I read about this part I was even more surprised. If I became fluent at sign language I don’t think I would want to get rid of the language. It is such a pretty and expressive language. It’s a means of communication and would be completely wrong to get rid of that. Yes speech is important but so it communication. If you can’t hear what someone is telling you, how are you able to have that key communication skill. I really hate oralists (bad to say, I know) but goodness! Communication is huge in how we live in society! 

1 comment:

  1. I was actually shocked about Alexander Graham Bell. Especially since he had a family member that was deaf. Honestly that man was not smart at all. He tried to completely exile a community! Wow! it was like he thought deafness was a contagious disease or something. Because of his stupidity he almost was successful.
