Friday, March 8, 2013

Chapter 65

I thought this was an understandable question to ask. ‘Can Deaf people appreciate music at all?’ was the question at the beginning of this chapter. I thought it was interesting to hear about some people who are Deaf love music and others could care less about it. I love music and couldn’t imagine being without it. If you think about it, music is in everything you watch. It is on every show you would watch, every movie, music videos, cars, shops, etc. I think it would be really hard to watch a movie without music. Think about watching a scary movie without the dark tones to let you know something bad is going to happen. Like in the movie, Jaws, the music that happens when the shark is about to attack. In this book they said that, “most Deaf people don’t enjoy music, as they don’t understand it; music appreciation is a foreign concept.” I didn’t really like this sentence in the chapter but I guess since I’m not part of the Deaf community I wouldn’t have much insight on whether this is true or not. I think that growing up without music would be very difficult. 

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