Friday, March 8, 2013

Chapter 59

I found this chapter really hard to follow. I didn’t really understand where they were going with the ghetto and Deaf culture. After reading through it a couple of times, I understand it a little better but it is still odd. I guess they are trying to talk about how segregation is and that the Deaf culture may be like that? I don’t feel this way because Deaf culture enjoys having their own world, at least I think they do. I think they like to have their own piece of the world that no one can really touch. It would be difficult though, if people tried to step into that world and started trying to take control. Like Alexander Graham Bell tried to do with sign language. In my opinion, the “ghetto” is not the best place to be. It has that stereotype that is poor and run down type of feel. I don’t feel that the Deaf community is like that, at least not in most. There are, of course, exceptions to every statement but for the most part I think that ghetto is not something that should be associated with the Deaf community. 

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