Friday, March 8, 2013

Chapter 64

I thought this chapter was really fascinating to read about. I didn’t realize that people who were deaf could be amazing dancers. I mean, I knew they could dance but I didn’t realize that they could actually go to school and become dancers. It was really awesome to read that it doesn’t matter if you are deaf or not, you can still do everything a hearing person can. It was also interesting to hear about how people who are deaf hear the music. They can hear through vibrations and the bass. I loved this line, “some hearing people are terrific dancers and some are incredible klutzes, the same applies to deaf people (p. 377).” I feel like finally, the author says something along those lines!! He should have said it about that stupid, ‘why do some deaf people not like to read?’ question. I’m sorry but I still find that question a little dumb. Some people are just different and it doesn’t matter if they are deaf or hearing. I think it would be really fun to go to a concert or something that people who are deaf go so I can hear how loud they really do make their music. The book says that it is super loud. 

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