Saturday, March 9, 2013

Chapter 67

I thought this was a fascinating question as well. The chapter is talking about people who are Deaf having different facial anatomy. I have never noticed anything different about people who are Deaf having different facial features. I think everyone looks different anyway.
I went to this thing for the Academic Team the other day and the school we were at had a big rug of all kinds of different children. There was a child in a wheelchair, all different races, blind, and then one girl was holding up her fingers in the “ILY” sign. I laughed a little because it just threw me off seeing that. I never realized that you really wouldn’t be able to tell that she was different unless she had a hearing aid or something like that. I just thought it was an interesting way to show that she was Deaf.
Other than a hearing aid or something else like that I don’t see how you would be able to tell that someone was deaf. Even if you see two people signing, you wouldn’t be able to say exactly that they were deaf. Look at you, you can sign and probably hang out with your friends who are Deaf outside of your own home. I’m sure people probably think you are deaf when you’re not. 

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