Saturday, March 9, 2013

Chapter 66

Singsong is really interesting. Once I read this chapter, I started thinking about other songs and how you could sign sing them. It would be really complicated! There are so many words that you wouldn’t use in ASL in those songs. I just think that it would get really complicated to sign all these songs that at modern. I think it would be really fun to create a song or be a singer or singsongs. The book talks about a lady named, Sherry Hicks. She is a hearing person who performs ASL songs! I think that this would be really hard to do but it would also be really fun.
My nieces teacher would have the students do sign songs while they sing during Christmas performances. I always thought this was kind of fun for the students. Now that I read this chapter I realize that maybe it isn’t the best idea for students. It is a really great way to keep their hands busy during performances but I could see where it could be hurtful to people who are Deaf. I think that it is nice that students are learning some ASL through these songs but they should probably learn the whole songs, not just a few words. 

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