Friday, March 8, 2013

Chapter 62

Deaf literature. I thought this chapter was interesting. I didn’t know if there would be like ASL literature or something like that. I think that people who are Deaf would enjoy any types of literature if that is something they are interested in. There are types of literature that I am interested in and others that I am not interested in. It’s not because they are written in a different form of English, although I’m not a fan of Shakespeare but that’s because I don’t understand it. I guess that would be a good example though. Some people LOVE Shakespeare and totally get it and I do LOVE to read, I don’t like Shakespeare. I think that goes along with people who are Deaf and ASL literature. Some people who are Deaf may only like ASL literature, while others may like all kinds of different literature. I don’t really know if this makes any sense but I think it just depends on the person when it comes to likes and dislikes. 

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